Black bean Burger

Black Bean Burger

Black Bean Burger

Black beans are excellent source of proteins, carbohydrates, fibre and minerals. About half cup of black beans provide 8 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbohydrates and 7 grams of fibre with 0% of fate and sugar.

Similarly, Quinoa is also great source of protein specially for vegans. About ½ cup of Quinoa provides 5 grams of proteins, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fats, 1 gram of sugar and 3 grams of fibre.

Quinoa and black beans consider as super food for vegan and gluten free diet.

Black  Bean Recipes


Quinoa (boiled)                               90 grams (Quinoa how to cook, see below directions)

Black bean (boiled)                         400 grams (how to boil black bean recipes, see below directions.)

Salt                                                     2tsp

Cumin powder                                 1tsp

Coriander powder                           1tsp

Red chilli powder                            ¼ tsp

Black pepper                                     1tsp

Turmeric powder                            1tsp

Onion (chopped)                             2tbsp

Garlic (chopped )                             3 cloves

Flaxseeds powder                          1tbsp

Olive oil                                             1tbsp (for cooking)


Take 90 grams of quinoa and soak this in 180ml of hot water for 15 minutes. Then cook it on slow stove for another 15 minutes till it becomes soft and dry.

Soak the black bean in hot water over night, drain the water in the morning and boil in about 1 litre of water for about 40 minutes.

Place the quinoa , blackbean, garlic, onion along with all spices in a blender. Blend it till all ingredients becomes homogenies. Shape the mixture into 4 ovel shaped burgers.

Heat the frying pan and shallow fry the burgers at medium stove till it becomes light brown from both sides.

You can serve it with toasted buns with vegan mayonnaise or boiled rice and salad.


Leucine rich foods

L- Leucine

L- Leucine

L- Leucine further developed Muscle Mass. Leucine might assist with recuperating skin and bones, increment muscle size and lift fit weight (one explanation jocks frequently take leucine for muscle development), per the University of Rochester Medical Centre.

leucine foods

There are many dietary sources for leucine and other BCAAs. Consider these healthy sources of amino acids:

1. Salmon

Get your amino acids from salmon, and you’ll also get omega-3 fatty acids. There are some health concerns about farmed salmon. Choose wild-caught or limit your servings per month.

2. Chickpeas

These nutritional superstars contain 7g of protein and 6g of fiber in just half a cup, and they are high in iron, too. Enjoy them as hummus or add them to soups, stews, curries, and salads.

3. Brown Rice

Try brown rice instead of white. You’ll get a nutty taste and a slightly chewy texture that many people enjoy.4. Eggs

Even the American Heart Association says that an egg a day is okay. You’ll get 6g of protein in that egg.

5. Soybeans

This versatile legume is available in a variety of forms, including tofu, tempeh, edamame, and roasted soybeans. Today, texturized soy protein is readily available in supermarkets. It can substitute meat in many dishes.

6. NutsAlmonds, Brazil nuts, and cashews are good sources of essential amino acids. So are peanuts, although they are technically legumes instead of nuts.

7. Beef
Beef is one of the best sources of amino acids. To reduce your intake of fats and cholesterol, choose a lean cut or try grass-fed beef.







Stomach Bloating

Stomach Bloating

Do any of you ever experience stomach bloating? It is one of the most common complaints from my clients.
For some it is just an accepted part of their day. They often wake up feeling ‘flat’ and as the day goes on they feel full and this can be accompanied by a physical distension. For others it is more problematic as it comes with pain and discomfort, sometimes resulting in food avoidance as eating generally seems to trigger the symptoms. Bloating occasionally may be of no real concern, but if it is something you are experiencing regularly, it is worth looking into it.

Bloating Symptoms

It can feel like a balloon being pumped inside of you and in fact it may be due to too much gas. We can take in air when we are eating and some foods can cause a more gassy feeling others but it is important to note that we do not, in ourselves, produce gas; it is our microbiome ( the bacteria that lives largely in our gut – I have spoken about this in previous posts). Some foods, like beans or pulses, result in a little extra gas production but it should not lead to huge discomfort.
If there is a notable level of discomfort, it indicates a possible imbalance in the microbiome in favour of groups of bacteria that do naturally produce more gas. Constipation can also cause that full, bloated feeling, as well as IBS and an imbalanced microbiome could be a contributing factor to these too.
In a consultation, we will want to go upstream of that and look at possible reasons for imbalance. I will look at the make-up of the diet, possible digestive issues and other factors, like certain medications that can impact the microbiome. In Nutritional Therapy we always want to look at why you are experiencing any issue.
Depending when and where the bloating occurs, this will tell me a bit about what is going on. There are tests available that analyse the make-up of our individual microbiome and look at digestion. This can really direct where we go to address issues such as bloating.
It is important to note that bloating can be a consequence of more serious issues.  So it is always advisable to go to your GP in the first instance to get their opinion. Once this is done, looking at dietary choices and digestive function can be way to make a difference.
Any thoughts or questions on bloating are, as always, welcome.
Published by Christine Baker
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source of vitamins


635,343 Vitamins Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock


Most people know that vitamins are, as the word suggests, nutrients vital to well-being. But what’s not as well known is that no one nutrient is capable of optimally supporting health all by itself.

nutrient can only function optimally in the presence of other nutrients, such as essential minerals and other vitamins. That’s one reason nutrition authorities encourage people to consume a diet that primarily consists of whole foods, which naturally contain a wide variety of vitamins and their beneficial cofactors.

Vitamins benefits

It’s also why high-quality multivitamin/mineral supplements provide such a wide range of nutrients: This approach allows each nutrient or mineral to function optimally within the body.

1. Although technically not a B vitamin, choline is often classified as part of the B-complex because it works closely with other compounds in this class
2. A member of the B nutrient family
3. Folic acid supplementation can mask B12 deficiency; see a practitioner for appropriate testing before use

NOTE: Optimal dosages will vary from person to person; some people may need dosages higher than the Recommended Daily Allowance. Consult a practitioner who can help you formulate an individualized supplementation plan.

bio vitamin D3 1000iu

Bio Vitamin D3 1000iu

Bio Vitamin D3 1000iu

The Bio vitamin D3 1000iu supplement that everyone is talking about chosen for the groundbreaking ‘Coronavit’ trial!

Vitamin D from sunshine

The trial which will look at the effects of vitamin D supplementation on the immune system and protecting against Covid-19. This is a huge testament to the quality of our vitamin D3 1000iu supplements!

You can read more about the trial on our article.  With so many vitamin D supplements to choose from,  why choose Pharma Nord?

The trial was also featured on the BBC news ! You can see the news report here which also talks about Pharma Nord Bio-Vitamin D:


Why Pharma Nord Bio vitamin D3 1000iu supplements?

  • Documented bio-availability,  proven by science. Bio-Vitamin D3 has been featured in a number of clinical trials which prove their superiority when it comes to a D3 preparation
  • Dissolved in cold-pressed olive oil for maximum absorption. When it comes to supplements, absorption is key for performance
  • Manufactured to pharmaceutical standards – just like all of our products
  • Contain cholecalciferol –  a form of vitamin D that is naturally produced in the skin


What are the benefits of Bio vitamin D3 1000iu?

Vitamin D3 is a fantastic nutrient that’s essential for our overall well-being and boasts a number of benefits, including:

  • Contributing to the support of the immune system. What’s more, studies have shown that vitamin D may stimulate the body’s production of anti-viral and anti-bacterial proteins.
  • Helping to maintain healthy muscles and nerves
  • Contributing to the maintenance of normal teeth and bones
  • Helping our bodies absorb calcium

Altrient Liposomal Vitamin C Marie Claire Skin Awards 2020

Altrient Liposomal Vitamin C Marie Claire Skin Awards 2020

Marie Claire Skin Awards

we’re celebrating as Paltriest C has scooped up another beauty award. This week Altrient C was announced as the WINNER of the Best Skincare Supplement in the Marie Claire Skin Awards 2020 as voted for by industry experts.

A great affirmation for our message that vitamin C, when delivered into the body in the right way – the Altrient way – can help your skin tremendously. buy from

Marie Claire Skin Awards 2020

An independent, double-blind, placebo-controlled study carried out by Princeton Consumer Research Centre in 2014, revealed a staggering 61.47% increase in skin elasticity and a 13.5% reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles after taking 3 sachets of Altrient C a day for 16 weeks supply buy from natural balance health food store.

Those taking 1 sachet of Altrient C a day revealed a 34.99% increase in elasticity and a 7.52% reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Those taking the placebo showed no improvement at all.

How Altrient Solved The Problem of Vitamin C Absorption

In 2004 LivOn Labs, creators of Altrient liposomal vitamin C, discovered a way to improve vitamin C absorption significantly. They pioneered the use of Liposomal Encapsulation.

Technology to protect vitamin C from being destroyed in our digestive system when taken orally, this was not an easy task, and took a team of highly skilled biochemist 2 years to develop.

By successfully encapsulating vitamin C in nanoparticles called liposomes they were able to achieve absorption levels never before thought possible.

They patented the process, developed the world’s first liposomal vitamin C and changed the way we absorb vitamin C .