Tag Archives: #vitamin d
Most people know that vitamins are, as the word suggests, nutrients vital to well-being. But what’s not as well known is that no one nutrient is capable of optimally supporting health all by itself.
nutrient can only function optimally in the presence of other nutrients, such as essential minerals and other vitamins. That’s one reason nutrition authorities encourage people to consume a diet that primarily consists of whole foods, which naturally contain a wide variety of vitamins and their beneficial cofactors.
Vitamins benefits
It’s also why high-quality multivitamin/mineral supplements provide such a wide range of nutrients: This approach allows each nutrient or mineral to function optimally within the body.
1. Although technically not a B vitamin, choline is often classified as part of the B-complex because it works closely with other compounds in this class
2. A member of the B nutrient family
3. Folic acid supplementation can mask B12 deficiency; see a practitioner for appropriate testing before use
NOTE: Optimal dosages will vary from person to person; some people may need dosages higher than the Recommended Daily Allowance. Consult a practitioner who can help you formulate an individualized supplementation plan.